Using pipelines#

This tutorial will show you how to encapsulate operations into a pipeline, and how to create pipelines to augment documents.

Using operations without a pipeline#

Let’s start by instantiating the preprocessing, segmentation, context detection and entity recognition operations that we want to use. We are simply going to reuse the ones from the First steps tutorial:

from medkit.text.preprocessing import RegexpReplacer
from medkit.text.segmentation import SentenceTokenizer, SyntagmaTokenizer
from medkit.text.context import NegationDetector, NegationDetectorRule
from medkit.text.ner import RegexpMatcher, RegexpMatcherRule

# preprocessing
rule = (r"(?<=\d)\.(?=\d)", ",")
normalizer = RegexpReplacer(output_label="clean_text", rules=[rule])

# segmentation
sent_tokenizer = SentenceTokenizer(
    punct_chars=[".", "?", "!", "\n"],

synt_tokenizer = SyntagmaTokenizer(
    separators=[r"\bmais\b", r"\bet\b"],

# context detection 
neg_rules = [
    NegationDetectorRule(regexp=r"\bpas\s*d[' e]\b"),
    NegationDetectorRule(regexp=r"\bsans\b", exclusion_regexps=[r"\bsans\s*doute\b"]),
neg_detector = NegationDetector(output_label="is_negated", rules=neg_rules)

# entity recognition
regexp_rules = [
    RegexpMatcherRule(regexp=r"\ballergies?\b", label="problem"),
    RegexpMatcherRule(regexp=r"\basthme\b", label="problem"),
    RegexpMatcherRule(regexp=r"\ballegra?\b", label="treatment", case_sensitive=False),
    RegexpMatcherRule(regexp=r"\bvaporisateurs?\b", label="treatment"),
    RegexpMatcherRule(regexp=r"\bloratadine?\b", label="treatment", case_sensitive=False),
    RegexpMatcherRule(regexp=r"\bnasonex?\b", label="treatment", case_sensitive=False),
regexp_matcher = RegexpMatcher(rules=regexp_rules, attrs_to_copy=["is_negated"])

Each of these operations has a run() method, which we could call sequentially, passing along the output from one operation as the input to the next operation, and using a document’s raw text segment as the initial input:

from pathlib import Path
from medkit.core.text import TextDocument

# You can download the file available in source code
# !wget
# or create your file and copy the text
doc = TextDocument.from_file(Path("../data/text/1.txt"))

# clean_segments contains only 1 segment: the preprocessed full text segment
clean_segments =[doc.raw_segment])
sentences =
syntagmas =
# the negation detector doesn't return new annotations
# but rather appends attributes to the segments it received
entities =

But it is also possible to wrap all this operations into a Pipeline object, that will be responsible of calling the run() method of each operation, with the appropriate input annotations.

Why use a pipeline?#

What are the advantages of using pipelines instead of just directly calling each operations as we just did?

In this particular case, they aren’t any real advantages. Because this is a tutorial and we want to keep things simple, there aren’t so many operations and they are called in a linear fashion. But in real life the chaining of operations could be more complex and then it could be easier to do that through a pipeline.

Also, pipelines are composable (each pipeline is an operation that can itself be put into another pipeline), therefore they can be used to structure complex flows into smaller units handling a subpart of the processing. This also makes it possible to reuse a pipeline for different projects, for instance by regrouping common preprocessing steps.

If you are interested in provenance tracing (knowing how each annotation was generated), then it can also be easier to handle that with a pipeline.

Finally, in the future of medkit the scope of pipelines might be expanded to handle more things such as batching, parallelization, and maybe training of trainable components.

Constructing a pipeline#

Despite its name, a pipeline doesn’t have to be linear. Operations can be connected in more complex ways, making the pipeline something closer to a dataflow graph. We have to describe how operations are connected to each others, and this is done through PipelineStep objects. Let’s do that for our use case:

from medkit.core import PipelineStep

pipeline_steps = [
    PipelineStep(normalizer, input_keys=["full_text"], output_keys=["clean_text"]),
    PipelineStep(sent_tokenizer, input_keys=["clean_text"], output_keys=["sentences"]),
    PipelineStep(synt_tokenizer, input_keys=["sentences"], output_keys=["syntagmas"]),
    PipelineStep(neg_detector, input_keys=["syntagmas"], output_keys=[]),  # no output
    PipelineStep(regexp_matcher, input_keys=["syntagmas"], output_keys=["entities"]),

Each PipelineStep associates an operation with “keys”. As we just said, the pipeline can be seen as a graph in which operations have to be connected to each other, and the “keys” are just names we put on these connections to make it easier to describe them. The steps we just constructed can be represented like this:

graph LR A((?)) B(normalizer) C(sent_tokenizer) D(synt_tokenizer) E(neg_detector) F(entity_matcher) G((?)):::io A -- full_text --> B B -- clean_text --> C C -- sentences --> D D -- syntagmas --> E D -- syntagmas --> F F -- entities --> G classDef io fill:#fff4dd,stroke:#edb:

It might be surprising to see the negation detector on the same level as the entity matcher. This is because the negation detector takes the syntagmas as input, just like the entity matcher, but it has no output (it modifies the syntagmas in-place by adding attributes to them).

However, for our pipeline to function correctly, we do need the negation detector to be run before the entity matcher, since the entity matcher must copy the negation attributes onto the new entities (if this is unclear to you, make sure you have read the First steps tutorial). The pipeline steps will simply be run in the order they were given, so we are safe here.

If we take another look at the graph, we notice 2 question-mark vertices:

  • the first one, connected to the normalizer via the "full_text" key, represents the source of the segments that will be fed into the normalizer, still unknown at this point since they are not the product of previous operation;

  • the second one, connected to the entity matcher via the "entities" key, represents the destination of the entities produced by the matcher, also still unknown for now.

We will now use the our pipeline steps to create a Pipeline object:

from medkit.core import Pipeline

pipeline = Pipeline(pipeline_steps, input_keys=["full_text"], output_keys=["entities"])

In addition to the steps, we provide the pipeline with 2 arguments:

  • input_keys=["full_text"] tells the pipeline that the first argument passed to its run() method corresponds to the "full_text" key, and therefore should be fed as input to the normalizer;

  • output_keys=["entities"] tells the pipeline that the first (and unique) return value of its run() method correspond to the "entities" key, and therefore that it should be the output of the entity matcher.

Note that for our use case, the pipeline only has one input and one output, but creating more complex pipelines with multiple input arguments and multiple return values is supported.

Let’s run our pipeline and make sure everything is ok:

entities =[doc.raw_segment])
for entity in entities:
    neg_attr = entity.attrs.get(label="is_negated")[0]
    print(f"text='{entity.text}', label={entity.label}, is_negated={neg_attr.value}")
text='allergies', label=problem, is_negated=False
text='allergies', label=problem, is_negated=False
text='Allegra', label=treatment, is_negated=False
text='vaporisateurs', label=treatment, is_negated=False
text='vaporisateurs', label=treatment, is_negated=True
text='asthme', label=problem, is_negated=False
text='asthme', label=problem, is_negated=False
text='Allegra', label=treatment, is_negated=False
text='allergies', label=problem, is_negated=True
text='Allegra', label=treatment, is_negated=False
text='loratadine', label=treatment, is_negated=False
text='Nasonex', label=treatment, is_negated=False

Seems good!

Composing pipelines#

Let’s complicate a little bit our use case by adding a new operation to detect hypothesis, using the HypothesisDetector class. Just like NegationDetector, HypothesisDetector is a regex-based component that is configured through rules and that adds attributes to pre-existing entities or segments.

from medkit.text.context import HypothesisDetector, HypothesisDetectorRule

hyp_rules = [
hyp_detector = HypothesisDetector(output_label="is_hypothesis", rules=hyp_rules)

We could just insert the hypothesis detector in the list of steps and re-instantiate a new Pipeline. But our pipeline is becoming a little too big and complicated to our taste, so instead we will regroup some of the operations into sub-pipelines.

In particular, we group together the sentence and syntagmas tokenizers into a tokenization sub-pipeline, taking a full text as input and returning syntagmas:

tok_steps = [
    PipelineStep(sent_tokenizer, input_keys=["full_text"], output_keys=["sentences"]),
    PipelineStep(synt_tokenizer, input_keys=["sentences"], output_keys=["syntagmas"]),
tok_pipeline = Pipeline(tok_steps, input_keys=["full_text"], output_keys=["syntagmas"])

and we wrap the negation and hypothesis detectors into a context detection pipeline, taking syntagmas as input and adding negation and hypothesis attribute to them:

context_steps = [
    PipelineStep(neg_detector, input_keys=["syntagmas"], output_keys=[]),
    PipelineStep(hyp_detector, input_keys=["syntagmas"], output_keys=[]),
context_pipeline = Pipeline(context_steps, input_keys=["syntagmas"], output_keys=[])

As mentioned earlier, pipelines are operations: they have a run() method that take input data and returns newly produced data when appropriate. So they can also be put in a pipeline, like any operation. Let’s do that to rebuild our main pipeline:

pipeline_steps = [
pipeline = Pipeline(pipeline_steps, input_keys=["full_text"], output_keys=["entities"])

Using a document pipeline#

The pipeline we have created can be seen as an “annotation-level” pipeline. It takes Segment objects as input and returns Entity objects (Segment and Entity both being subclasses of TextAnnotation).

When using it to annotate several documents, we would typically write something like:

# You can download the files available in source code
# !wget
# !wget

def load_docs():
    text_files = ["../data/text/1.txt", "../data/text/2.txt"]
    return [TextDocument.from_file(Path(f)) for f in text_files]

docs = load_docs()

for doc in docs:
    entities =[doc.raw_segment])
    for entity in entities:

To handle this common use case, medkit provides a DocPipeline class. This is how we would use it:

from medkit.core import DocPipeline

doc_pipeline = DocPipeline(pipeline=pipeline)

docs = load_docs()

Wrapping it up#

In this tutorial, we have learnt how to instantiate a Pipeline and describe how operations are connected with each others through PipelineStep objects. We have also seen how sub-pipelines can be nested into other pipelines. Finally, we have seen how to transform an annotation-level Pipeline into a document-level DocPipeline.

If you have more questions about pipelines or wonder how to build more complex flows, you may want to take a look at the pipeline API docs. If you are interested in the advantages of pipelines as regard provenance tracing, you may read the provenance tracing tutorial.