Text operation modules#

This page lists all components related to text processing.


For more details about all sub-packages, refer to medkit.text.


Here is a list of all the medkit text operations with a direct link to the corresponding API docs. Scrolling down this page, you will find more details about the components of medkit.text.



Fast replacement of 1-char string by n-char strings


Patterns replacement


Cleaning of texts extracted from the APHP EDS


Detection of duplicated parts across documents based on duptextfinder



Rule-based detection of sections


Rule-based sentence splitting


Sentence splitting based on PyRuSH


Rule-based sub-sentence splitting



Detection of negation


Detection of hypothesis


Detection of family antecedents

Named Entity Recognition:


Regexp-based entity matching


Fast fuzzy matching based on simstring


Advanced entity matching based on IAMSystem


Matching of UMLS terms based on simstring


Matching of UMLS terms based on QuickUMLS


Entity matcher relying on HuggingFace transformers models


General matcher (dates, quantities, etc) relying on Duckling coder normalizer


Date/time matching based on EDS-NLP


TNM (Tumour/Node/Metastasis) matching based on EDS-NLP


Normalization of pre-existing entities to UMLS CUIs relying on a CODER model



Operation wrapping a spaCy pipeline to work at the annotation level


Operation wrapping a spaCy pipeline to work at the document level


Operation wrapping an EDS-NLP pipeline to work at the annotation level


Operation wrapping an EDS-NLP pipeline to work at the document level



Relation detector relying on spaCy’s dependency parser


Translation operation relying on HuggingFace transformers models


Propagation of attributes based on annotation spans


A component to divide text documents using its segments as a reference

Pre-processing modules#

This section provides some information about how to use preprocessing modules.


For more details about public API, refer to medkit.text.preprocessing.

If you need to pre-process your document texts for replacing some sub-texts by other ones, medkit provides some operations to do that and keep span information.

If you want to use some rule-based operations (like RegexpMatcher for example), document texts may need to be pre-processed.

For example, concerning the RegexpMatcher:

When the rule is not sensitive to unicode, we try to convert unicode chars to the closest ascii chars. However, some characters need to be pre-processed before (e.g., -> number). So, if the text lengths are different, we fall back on initial unicode text for detection even if rule is not unicode-sensitive. In this case, a warning is logged for recommending to pre-process data.


CharReplacer is a pre-processing operation allowing to replace one character by another one. It is faster than RegexpReplacer but is limited to character replacement and does not support pattern replacement.

For example, if you want to replace some special characters like +:

from medkit.core.text import TextDocument
from medkit.text.preprocessing import CharReplacer

doc = TextDocument(text="Il suit + ou - son traitement,")

rules = [("+", "plus"), ("-", "moins")]
op = CharReplacer(output_label="preprocessed_text", rules=rules)
new_segment = op.run([doc.raw_segment])[0]


  • new_segment.text : “Il suit plus ou moins son traitement,”

  • new_segment.spans : [Span(start=0, end=8), ModifiedSpan(length=4, replaced_spans=[Span(start=8, end=9)]), Span(start=9, end=13), ModifiedSpan(length=5, replaced_spans=[Span(start=13, end=14)]), Span(start=14, end=30)]

medkit also provides some pre-defined rules that you can import (cf. medkit.text.preprocessing.rules) and then combine with your own rules.

For example:

from medkit.text.preprocessing import (

rules = (
    + <my_own_rules>

# same as rules = ALL_RULES + <my_own_rules>

op = CharReplacer(output_label="preprocessed_text", rules=rules)


If you do not provide rules when initializing char replacer operation, all pre-defined rules (i.e., ALL_RULES) are used.


The RegexpReplacer operation uses an algorithm based on regular expressions for detecting patterns in the text and replace them by the new text, and all that with preserving span information. So, it may be useful if you need to replace sub-text or text with a context by other ones.

For example, if you want to replace by numéro:

from medkit.core.text import TextDocument
from medkit.text.preprocessing import RegexpReplacer

doc = TextDocument(text="À l'aide d'une canule n ° 3,")

rule = (r"n\s*°", "numéro")
op = RegexpReplacer(output_label="preprocessed_text", rules=[rule])
new_segment = op.run([doc.raw_segment])[0]


  • new_segment.text : “À l’aide d’une canule numéro 3,”

  • new_segment.spans : [Span(start=0, end=22), ModifiedSpan(length=6, replaced_spans=[Span(start=22, end=25)]), Span(start=25, end=28)]


If you have a lot of single characters to change, it is not the optimal way to do it for performance reasons. In this case, we recommend to use CharReplacer.

Other pre-processing modules#

medkit also provides an operation for cleaning up text. This module has been implemented for a specific case of EDS document.

You can follow this tutorial example for more details about this EDSCleaner module.

Segmentation modules#

This section lists text segmentation modules. They are part of medkit.text.segmentation package.


For more details about public APIs of each module, refer to medkit.text.segmentation sub-modules.

SectionTokenizer and SyntagmaTokenizer may rely on a description file containing the set of user-defined rules for splitting document text into a list of medkit Segment corresponding successively to sections or syntagmas.

For SectionTokenizer, here is the yaml schema reference of the file.

  • sections : dictionary of key-values where key will be the section name and value is a list of keywords to detect as the start of the section.

  • rules : list of modification rules which role is to rename a detected section

    • rules.section_name : name of the detected section to rename

    • rules.new_section_name : new name wanted for the section

    • rules.order: order condition for renaming. Possible values: BEFORE, AFTER

    • other_sections : list of other section names (i.e., context of the section to rename) to use with the order condition


You may test French default rules using section_tokenizer = SectionTokenizer(). The corresponding file content is available here.

For SyntagmaTokenizer, here is the yaml schema reference of the file.

  • syntagma.separators : list of regular expressions allowing to trigger the start of a new syntagma.


You may test default French rules using syntagma_tokenizer = SyntagmaTokenizer(). The corresponding file content is available here.


For a better understanding, you may follow these tutorial examples:

Context detection modules#

This section lists text annotators for detecting context. They are part of medkit.text.context package.


If you want to test default French rules of HypothesisDetector, you may use :

detector = HypothesisDetector()


For more details about public APIs, refer to hypothesis_detector.


medkit provides a rule-based negation detector which attaches a negation attribute to a text segment.


For more details about public APIs, refer to negation_detector.

Family reference#

medkit provides a rule-based family detector which attaches a family attribute to a text segment.


For more details about public APIs, refer to family_detector.

NER modules#

This section lists text annotators for detecting entities. They are part of medkit.text.ner package.

Regular Expression Matcher#

medkit provides a rule-based entity matcher.

For an example of RegexpMatcher usage, you can follow this example tutorial.


For more details about public APIs, refer to regexp_matcher.

IAM system Matcher#

The iamsystem library is available under the following medkit operation.


For more details about public APIs, refer to iamsystem_matcher.

medkit also provides a custom implementation (MedkitKeyword) of IAM system IEntity which allows user:

  • to associate kb_name to kb_id

  • to provide a medkit entity label (e.g., category) associated to the IAM system entity label (i.e., text to search).


For a better understanding, you may follow the iamsystem matcher example tutorial

Simstring Matcher#

Medkit provides an entity matcher using the simstring fuzzy matching algorithm.


For more details about public APIs, refer to simstring_matcher.

Quick UMLS Matcher#


QuickUMLSMatcher needs additional dependencies that can be installed with pip install medkit[quick-umls-matcher]

QuickUMLSMatcher is a wrapper around 3d-party quickumls.core.QuickUMLS, which requires a QuickUMLS install to work. A QuickUMLS install can be created with

python -m quickumls.install <umls_installation_path> <destination_path>

where <umls_installation_path> is the path to the UMLS folder containing the MRCONSO.RRF and MRSTY.RRF files.

You will also need to download spacy models used by QuickUMLS. A clear message error will be displayed to show you how to install it. Otherwise, you may also install it programmatically.

Here are examples of downloads for English and French models:

if not spacy.util.is_package("en_core_web_sm"):
if not spacy.util.is_package("fr_core_news_sm"):

Given a medkit text document named doc with text The patient has asthma

umls_matcher = QuickUMLSMatcher(version="2021AB", language="ENG")
entities = umls_matcher.run([sentence])

The entity (entities[0]) will have the following description:

  • entity.text = “asthma”

  • entity.spans = [Span(16, 22)]

  • entity.label = “disorder”

Its normalization attribute (norm = entity.get_norms()[0]) will be:

  • norm is an instance of UMLSNormAttribute

  • norm.cui = _ASTHMA_CUI

  • norm.umls_version = “2021AB”

  • norm.term = “asthma”

  • norm.score = 1.0

  • norm.sem_types = [“T047”]


For more details about public APIs, refer to quick_umls_matcher.

UMLS Matcher#

As an alternative to QuickUMLSMatcher, medkit also provides an entity matcher dedicated to UMLS terms that uses the simstring fuzzy matching algorithm but does not rely on QuickUMLS


For more details about public APIs, refer to umls_matcher.

Duckling Matcher#

medkit provides an entity annotator that uses Duckling.

Refer to DucklingMatcher for more details about requirements for using this operation.


For more details about public APIs, refer to duckling_matcher.

EDS-NLP Date Matcher#

The EDS-NLP dates pipeline can be directly using inside medkit to identify date and duration mentions in texts.


EDSNLPDateMatcher needs additional dependencies that can be installed with pip install medkit-lib[edsnlp]


For more details about public APIs, refer to edsnlp_date_matcher.

Hugging Face Entity Matcher#

medkit provides an entity matcher based on Hugging Face models.


HFEntityMatcher needs additional dependencies that can be installed with pip install medkit-lib[hf-entity-matcher]


For more details about public APIs, refer to hf_entity_matcher.

UMLS Coder Normalizer#

This operation is not an entity matcher per-say but a normalizer that will add normalization attributes to pre-existing entities.


UMLSCoderNormalizer needs additional dependencies that can be installed with pip install medkit-lib[umls-coder-normalizer]


For more details about public APIs, refer to umls_coder_normalizer.

UMLS Normalization#

This modules provides a subclass of EntityNormAttribute to facilitate the handling of UMLS information.


For more details, refer to umls_norm_attribute.

Spacy modules#

medkit provides operations and utilities for wrapping spacy pipelines into medkit. They are part of medkit.text.spacy package.


For using this python module, you need to install spacy. These dependencies may be installed with pip install medkit-lib[spacy]

Spacy pipelines#

The SpacyPipeline component is an annotation-level operation. It takes medkit segments as inputs, runs a spacy pipeline, and returns medkit segments by converting spacy outputs.

The SpacyDocPipeline component is a document-level operation, similarly to DocPipeline. It takes medkit documents as inputs, runs a spacy pipeline, and directly attach the spacy annotations to medkit document.


For more info about displacy helpers, refer to displacy_utils.

Translation operations#


For translation api, refer to translation.

HuggingFace Translator#


HFTranslator needs additional dependencies that can be installed with pip install medkit-lib[hf-translator]

Extraction of syntactic relations#

This module detects syntactic relations between entities using a parser of dependencies.


For more info about this module, refer to syntactic_relation_extractor.

Post-processing modules#

Medkit provides some modules to facilitate post-processing operations.

For the moment, you can use this module to:

  • align source and target Segments from the same TextDocument

  • duplicate attributes bewteen segments. For example, you can duplicate an attribute from a sentence to its entities.

  • filter overlapping entities: useful when creating named entity reconigtion (NER) datasets

  • create mini-documents from a TextDocument.


Creating mini-documents from sections: document splitter


For more details about public API, refer to postprocessing.


This module provides components to evaluate annotations as well as some implementations of MetricsComputer to monitor the training of components in medkit.

The components inside metrics are also known as evaluators. An evaluator allows you to assess performance by task.


For more details about public APIs, refer to metrics

Text Classification Evaluation#

Medkit provides TextClassificationEvaluator, an evaluator for document attributes. You can compute the following metrics depending on your use-case:

Classification repport#

  • compute_classification_report: To compare a list of reference and predicted documents. This method uses sklearn as backend to compute precision, recall, and F1-score.

Inter-rated agreement#

  • compute_cohen_kappa: To compare the degree of agreement between lists of documents made by two annotators.

  • compute_krippendorff_alpha: To compare the degree of agreement between lists of documents made by multiple annotators.


For more details about public API, refer to TextClassificationEvaluator or irr_utils.

NER Evaluation#

Medkit uses seqeval as backend of evaluation.


This module needs additional dependencies that can be installed with pip install medkit-lib[metrics-ner]

Entity detection#

An example with perfect match:

  • The document has two entities: PER and GPE.

  • An operation has detected both entities

from medkit.core.text import TextDocument, Entity, Span
from medkit.text.metrics.ner import SeqEvalEvaluator

document = TextDocument("Marie lives in Paris", 
                        anns = [Entity(label="PER",spans=[Span(0,5)],text="Marie"),

pred_ents = [Entity(label="PER",spans=[Span(0,5)],text="Marie"),

# define a evaluator using `iob2` as tagging scheme
evaluator = SeqEvalEvaluator(tagging_scheme="iob2")
metrics = evaluator.compute(documents=[document], predicted_entities=[pred_ents])
assert metrics["macro_precision"] == 1.0
{'macro_precision': 1.0, 'macro_recall': 1.0, 'macro_f1-score': 1.0, 'support': 2, 'accuracy': 1.0, 'GPE_precision': 1.0, 'GPE_recall': 1.0, 'GPE_f1-score': 1.0, 'GPE_support': 1, 'PER_precision': 1.0, 'PER_recall': 1.0, 'PER_f1-score': 1.0, 'PER_support': 1}


For more details about public APIs, refer to SeqEvalEvaluator

Using for training of NER components#

For example, a trainable component detects PER and GPE entities using iob2 as tagging scheme. The Trainer may compute metrics during its training/evaluation loop.

from medkit.text.metrics.ner import SeqEvalMetricsComputer
from medkit.training import Trainer

seqeval_mc = SeqEvalMetricsComputer(
    id_to_label={'O': 0, 'B-PER': 1, 'I-PER': 2, 'B-GPE': 3, 'I-GPE': 4},

trainer = Trainer(


For more details about public APIs, refer to SeqEvalMetricsComputer. About training, refer to training api


There is an utility to convert labels to NER tags if required, hf_tokenization_utils.

See also

You may refer to this tutorial to see how this works in a fine-tuning example.